
2023-05-05 08:37:59 来源: 中国石化新闻网

中国石化新闻网讯 据《能源年》5月2日阿布扎比报道,阿联酋国家石油公司天然气子公司ADNOC天然气公司周一宣布,已同意向法国能源巨头道达尔能源公司供应价值超过10亿美元的液化天然气。

与道达尔能源的子公司Total Energies Gas and Power签订的这份为期三年的合同价值在10亿~12亿美元之间,预计将于2023年启动。



道达尔能源液化天然气部门高级副总裁Thomas Maurisse表示,“这些额外的量将加强我们的全球液化天然气投资组合、我们向不断增长的亚洲市场供应的能力,以及我们陪伴客户进行能源转型的雄心”。




郝芬 译自 《能源年》


ADNOC to supply LNG to TotalEnergies for $1 bln

ADNOC Gas has agreed to supply LNG to French energy giant TotalEnergies in a deal worth more than USD 1 billion, the Emirati NOC’s gas subsidiary announced on Monday.

The three-year contract with TotalEnergies’ subsidiary TotalEnergies Gas and Power is worth between USD 1 billion and USD 1.2 billion and is expected to begin in 2023.

TotalEnergies has operated in the UAE for more than 80 years.

These additional volumes will strengthen our global LNG portfolio, our ability to supply the growing Asian markets, and our ambition to accompany our customers in their energy transition.” said Thomas Maurisse, senior vice-president of LNG of TotalEnergies.

ADNOC established ADNOC Gas in January 2023 and followed with an IPO valued at around USD 2 billion in February, which was raised from 4% to 5% at the end of March 2023.

In the same month, ADNOC Gas posted an 32% increase in annual core earnings for 2022.

ADNOC Gas supplies around 60% of the UAE’s gas demand and clients in more than 20 countries.

(责任编辑:黄振 审核:蒋文娟 )


